The Magic of IoT – Devices that Make Your Dreams a Reality

In this article, we will be going over IoT devices. We will try, and understand what IoT devices are, why they are essential, how they work, the different trends in IoT devices, and how to manage them.

Finally, we will conclude with a few advantages and disadvantages of IoT devices. So pay attention, take notes, and read till the end for the best benefits!

What are IoT devices?

By definition, IoT devices are non-standard computing devices that connect wirelessly to a network and can transmit data. These devices communicate with each other in a network using an internet protocol.

IoT devices are not your traditional “dumb” machines like your laptop, tablet, desktop, etc. Instead, they are smart pieces of tech that use machine learning and artificial intelligence to send, receive, analyze data, and take actions without human intervention. With that said, they can also be remotely monitored and controlled.

IoT devices are designed for various applications. They come in all shapes and sizes. Unlike PCs and a few other gadgets, IoT devices are portable digital machines. Some excellent and common examples of IoT devices are Google Nest, Amazon Alexa, Ring Cameras, smartwatches, and many more.

How do IoT devices work?

We know that an IoT ecosystem consists of 3 fundamental elements – IoT devices, IoT protocol, and IoT software. We have already covered protocols and IoT software in the previous articles, so in this article, let us focus on the working of IoT devices.

As we saw above, IoT devices are mini-computers that send information to the cloud. The cloud processes this information and decides what to do with it. These devices use artificial intelligence and machine learning to work with data automatically without human input.

Let us take a deeper dive to understand the working of IoT devices by discussing the four components that make up an integrated IoT system and allow IoT devices to perform tasks according to their programming.

Sensors and actuators

We all know that IoT revolves around sensors. Why? Because they convert information obtained in the outer world into data for analysis. They include data regarding the process or environmental surroundings like temperature, fluid flow in the pipe, air quality, and more.

But what are actuators? That is one term we have yet to hear often enough. Well, by definition, actuators can intervene to alter the physical reality. It sounds fantastic when you put it like that, but they are boring. They are regular machines like fan regulators, switches, thermostats, valves, air conditioners, etc.

Every IoT device must and will have sensors because it is from this stage that data is generated. This data will travel through the different stages of IoT architecture and, finally, the cloud.


Once we have the data, do we need to send it to the cloud? Several methods are available for connecting IoT devices to the cloud. They include WiFi, Bluetooth, satellite, cellular, and 5G. With the help of a connection, the data from the devices will be sent to the cloud for data processing.

Connectivity is nothing but a protocol. It enables all the devices in an IoT ecosystem to communicate with each other (including the cloud). The way a device connects to the cloud depends on various factors, like the data collected and how it will be processed.

Connectivity is so essential for an IoT device that without it, it cannot operate as an IoT device. It means that without a connection between the device and the cloud, the information collected by the IoT device is useless as it can’t be sent to the cloud for processing.

Data processing

After the sensors collect the data, it is sent to the cloud using a connection to process the data. But what is data processing in the first place? Data processing is where the cloud converts the raw data obtained from the sensors into a machine-readable form. It allows the IoT device to know what should happen next.

Data processing is a way the cloud reads and understands the data. Let us know this with a use-case scenario. It could be a simple process, like making sure the temperature is at the right level, or it could be slightly more complex, like using computer vision to identify safety hazards. IoT devices are programmed to understand a few datasets to carry out specific functions based on the information they collect.

User interface

We now have data that has been processed to a machine-understandable state. But what good is it without a way to use the data? It is where UI (user interface) comes into the picture. The UI gives the output to the user after the data is processed.

The reason that most IoT devices have a UI is that people can interact with the device. Alexa is an excellent example of this. Therefore, UI plays a vital role in the working of IoT devices. For example, security personnel will get a text alert when motion is detected at their location after hours.

Other examples include An IoT device that displays an alert if the temperature within a cold storage unit is too high. In addition, a pre-programmed protocol can be automatically triggered if the parameters for action have been reached.

How do you manage IoT devices?

Suppose you don’t manage IoT devices by adopting standard protocols or using services offered by a vendor. In that case, various challenges can hinder the deployment of an IoT system and its connected devices, interoperability, power capabilities, scalability, security, and availability.

It is why device management helps integrate, organize, monitor, and remotely manage internet-enabled devices at scale, offering features critical to maintaining the device’s health and many more. First, let us look at some ways to manage IoT devices:

1. Activating and registering the device
2. Authenticating the device
3. Configuring the IoT device
4. Device provisioning
5. Troubleshooting the device upon encountering a bug
6. Monitoring and diagnosing the device in regular intervals
7. Updating the IoT device to enable the latest feature

Most vendors of IoT devices, like Amazon, Microsoft, Google, IBM, Oracle, etc., provide IoT device management services and software.

What are the different trends in IoT devices?

IoT as a technology and business has grown a lot in the last 10 years – to put that into perspective, there were only a billion connected devices in 2011, but today there are nearly 46 billion. IoT devices have evolved with ever-increasing demand and evolving tech. So let us look at some of today’s trends that IoT devices are keeping up with.


Nowadays, we have 5G compatible phones with no 5G in every location. Nonetheless, thousands of software companies are researching and developing to be the first 5G providers in many countries.

When it comes to IoT, the amazing bandwidth of 5G can connect numerous devices across networks and still expect real-time connectivity. In addition, the high speed of 5G can handle large amounts of data without compromising speed and improve AR/VR experiences without lagging or buffering.

Wearable technology

VR goggles, smartwatches, and phones are in high demand in today’s market as consumers embrace wearable technologies in several ways.

Smartwatches, phones, and a few smart home devices are changing the way we interact with our world. With the rise of Facebook’s metaverse and VR goggles, the whole concept of the virtual environment will change. Wearable IoT devices are even being used in health care to monitor patients remotely.

AI-powered IoT in healthcare

We already saw that machine learning and artificial intelligence play a vital role in the working of IoT devices. For example, in the healthcare industry, AI algorithms gather information, monitor patients, and analyze data for research. These algorithms further use this data to model and predict the progression of diseases and care paths.

With the ever-growing technology, enhanced clinical workflows, and streamlined GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant data collection. More patient-centric healthcare models are emerging with less time spent in the lab, and with less time in the lab comes more time spent caring for patients.

IoT solutions for enterprises

Millions of companies are developing various IoT tools, sensors, and other devices for several uses across industries to make operations safer, more productive, and more efficient overall.

By using IoT solutions for enterprises, companies make a significant leap toward the future by providing turnkey IoT devices, software, training, deployment, and support.

Predictive analytics

IoT devices offer Predictive analytics that analyzes data to predict future business trends and makes suggestions like predicting the stock market, supply-demand, and many more.

It enhances decision-making with strategic forecasting to reduce costs, optimize operations, and discover growth opportunities. In addition, various businesses can use such predictive algorithms for risk assessments, customer retention, maintenance, and fraud detection.

Advantages of IoT devices

Before we conclude, let us briefly examine some advantages and disadvantages of IoT devices.

1. Automation:
By pairing IoT devices with IoT software, we can handle data better and enable automation, where a pre-programmed task can be triggered once the parameters have been met.

2. Connectivity:
Similarly, if we pair IoT devices with an internet protocol, we can enable communication between the device and the cloud. There are countless IoT protocols for different use case scenarios, all you have to do is search.

3. Improved service:
IoT devices help improve customer service by enabling faster check-in, simplifying appointment settings, and other activities that help the brand’s reputation.

4. Better communication:
IoT devices can gather the information that improves project management tasks and communication across teams spread in multiple locations.

5. Cost-efficient:
IoT devices can also track spending, scheduling, transportation, and materials. People keeping track of such data can take time and effort. However, thanks to IoT, such tasks are simplified.

Disadvantages of IoT devices

As good as IoT devices are, they all have their disadvantages, we as humans find flaws in everything, even with god’s creations. However, we must find spots to improve and progress.

1. Security concerns:
With ever-increasing cybersecurity attacks every day, numerous IoT devices increase how infiltrators can access a network.

2. No standardization:
For IoT devices, there are no regulatory protocols to enact strict controls over data governance that must maintain HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliance.

3. Deployment challenges:
You may think deploying IoT must be very cheap, but the reality is quite different. Implementing IoT systems in the real world comes with a hefty price tag and a steep learning curve that requires company-wide training and resources.


As you have seen, IoT devices are one of the 3 components required for IoT systems. You have now learned what IoT devices are, why they are essential, how they work, the different trends in IoT devices, and how to manage them. We then concluded by discussing a few advantages and disadvantages of IoT devices.

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