IoT Cisco

In this article, we shall go over the concept of IoT Cisco solutions. We will cover various topics like what IoT Cisco is, IoT Cisco (VPC) Virtualized Packet Core, solutions offered by IoT Cisco, features of IoT Cisco, and IoT networking.

We shall conclude by discussing an application of VPC in smart transportation and then look at a few advantages of Cisco IoT solutions. So pay attention, grab a snack or coffee, take notes if you want, and read till the end of the article!

What is IoT Cisco?

IoT Cisco is a product offered by the American-based multinational technology conglomerate Cisco. This IoT system provides a complete set of IoT products and technologies that can help simplify and accelerate the deployment of infrastructure for IoT.

Back in 2015, according to multiple reports by Cisco, they estimated that nearly 50 billion devices would be connected to the Internet. However, as of today, more than 99% of things in the physical world remain unconnected.

The Cisco IoT system addresses the difficulty of digitisation with an infrastructure designed to manage large-N systems of various endpoints and platforms. Today, Cisco has more than 15 new Internet of Things products, all of which have the same fundamentals.

What is IoT Cisco VPC?

IoT Cisco VPC (Virtualized Packet Core) is a technology from Cisco that offers all kinds of services, such as 4G, 3G, 2G, and Wi-Fi, along with various other smaller networks and delivers networking functionality as virtual services.

VPC offers faster deployment and better scalability for new services at lesser costs. Cisco IoT also provides services and features such as network function visualisations and Software-Defined Networking (SDN), perfect for devices requiring less power but high networking flow.

SDN reduces the need for intricate details of IoT systems as it merges all the features in a single system. The most notable features of IoT Cisco are packet core services, dynamic scaling, rapid network system deployment, and system agility.

What are the Features of Cisco IoT?

It is needless to say that Cisco solutions have numerous features. Let us look at 6 of the strongest pillars or building blocks that make IoT Cisco desirable:

1. Network Connectivity

Cisco IoT allows you to extend the Cisco network and uses industrial network and automation tools. This building block of IoT Cisco includes purpose-built routing, switching, and wireless products available in ruggedised and non-ruggedised form factors.

2. Fog Computing

“Fog” here means a distributed computing infrastructure for IoT that extends the computing capability to the ‘edge’ of networks. This pillar enables consumers to manage and analyse data locally and derive immediate insights from connections.

3. Security

The security system of IoT Cisco combines cyber and physical security to provide operational benefits and increase the protection of both digital and physical assets. Users can also monitor, detect and respond to integrated IT and Operational Technology (OT) attacks using Cisco’s IP surveillance portfolio and network products with the help of the security and cloud/cyber security products provided by TrustSec

4. Data Analytics

IoT Cisco offers an optimised infrastructure to implement analytics. In addition, the Cisco IoT system can also harness actionable data for the Cisco Connected Analytics Portfolio and third-party analytics software. In short, Cisco IoT can simplify edge-to-multi-cloud data flow by efficiently extracting, transforming, and delivering data to your applications.

5. Automation

Cisco’s IoT system provides improved security, support, and control for several functions to produce a system that is easy to use to manage an increasing volume of endpoints and applications. Cisco IoT also uses edge computing to increase productivity, sustainability net income, profits, and many more.

6. Application Enablement Platform

The Cisco IoT platform offers a set of APIs for industries, ecosystem partners, and other third-party vendors to develop, design, and deploy their applications. In addition, Cisco IoT simplifies asset and facility monitoring with our all-in-one cloud-managed sensor solution.

Cisco IoT products

Cisco has dozens of IoT products in different domains. Let us look at some of them.

1. Network Connectivity Products

a. IE5000: This product is a purpose-built IE switch that brings connectivity to factory-level manufacturing and cities.

b. IW3702: This product is a wireless access point for connected mass transit systems and city Wi-Fi.

c. IR 809, IR 829 Series: With Wi-Fi and 4G/LTE connectivity, this IoT product is perfect for transportation or IoT application deployments.

2. Physical and Cyber Security

a. 360° 5MP & 720p IP Cameras: These are high-quality cameras for versatile environments. They can also host 3rd party software applications. This product has numerous features, including a 360° view for situational awareness and audio and digital sensors.

b. Physical Security Analytics: This product comprises several camera applications that include audio detection, sensor aggregation, audio message triggers, metadata generation, video summarization, and more.

3. Data Analytics

a. Fog Data Services: This IoT product lets operators create policies that monitor and take action on data flowing through the IoT environment. Cisco’s fog data services are based on the IOx platform, which allows users to integrate custom policies with applications.

4. Management and Automation

a. IoT Field Network Director: This management and automation software lets operators monitor and customise IoT network infrastructure for industrial scale.

b. Fog Director: This product enables the central management of multiple applications running at the edge. This management and automation platform of Cisco gives control of application settings and lifecycle for easier access and visibility into large-scale IoT deployments to administrators.

Application of Cisco VPC in Smart Transportation

We saw that Cisco Virtualized Packet Core offers solutions to issues regarding services, efficiency, performance, mobility, etc. If there is one place where all of these come under one roof, it will be transportation – smart transportation. So, let us look at a couple of applications of the Cisco IoT system in the transportation domain.

1. The Railway sector uses self-built networks that suffer consistency issues. For example, the police cannot communicate with the lineside personnel.

2. Determining the extra time required by passengers to board public transport is still a difficult task. But thanks to Cisco’s IoT system, this can be made easy.

3. Updating data, like schedules, delays, etc., takes place manually. But with Cisco VPC, we can easily automate such tasks.

4. All equipment, such as connected IoT cameras, requires personal networks and power supplies.

Advantages of Cisco IoT solutions

It goes without saying that Cisco’s IoT solutions and products have a lot of advantages. Let us look at some of them:

1. Cisco IoT software and products offer solutions that reduce costs, time spent, inventory market, downtime, and many other factors.

2. Their solutions are dynamic, transparent, and transformable and help keep up with today’s businesses.

3. The company offers sections on approaches and technologies that help reduce risks in finance and business.

4. Cisco IoT solutions produce faster and more optimized results as they practice the divisions.

5. Cisco offers secure solutions as they combine cyber as well as physical security to provide operational benefits and increase the security provided to digital and physical assets.


As you have seen, Cisco IoT is nothing but an IoT system that offers a complete set of IoT products and technologies that simplify and accelerate the deployment of infrastructure for IoT.

You have now learned what IoT Cisco is, what Cisco VPC is, the pillars of Cisco’s IoT system, and a few IoT products from Cisco. We finally concluded by looking at an application of Cisco VPC in smart transportation and a couple of advantages of using Cisco IoT solutions.

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