IoT in Energy Sector – Smart Grids, Smart Energy

In this article, we will go over various applications of IoT in the energy sector. We shall first look at how IoT can be used in the energy sector and then at 10 unique applications of IoT energy. So buckle up, and read till the end of the article!

IoT Uses in the Energy Sector

We all know that IoT has infinite applications in many domains and fields. In short, IoT has the power to change the world! IoT has various applications in the energy sector, too. For example, it provides a wide variety of control and design functions in energy consumption and management.

Using IoT, we can develop Smart Energy Systems to be put to use for residential and commercial purposes. Let us look at some fascinating examples of the same:

1. Residential Smart Energy Systems

With increasing technology comes an increase in the cost of consumption. However, using IoT, we can develop ways for Smart Energy Systems. Here is one such example – IoT enables smart lighting systems to switch off or dim the lightning when they sense the absence of human beings or when not in use.

2. Commercial Smart Energy Systems

Just as in residential places, smart energy systems in the commercial sector involve the reduction of energy consumption. IoT provides systems that can monitor consumption and reduce usage effectively. It helps both small and large corporations.

IoT optimises power and improves functionality. The commercial sector manages energy resources by providing cost-effective methods. IoT devices handle the issues in the same way business organisations interact with business networks to offer solutions.

3. Reliability

The main reason to use IoT in the energy sector is its effective and reliable solutions. These devices benefit the organisation as they manage the resources by offering cost-effective strategies. In addition, IoT detects and creates alerts before the onset of a threat so that the authorities can take necessary precautions to handle the emergency.

4. Smart Decision Making

Combining IoT with powerful artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms can enable it to make smart decisions independently, without human interference.

In the energy sector, IoT helps consumers and users make better decisions about their power consumption and allows authorities to control energy usage effectively. In short, IoT opens doors for better opportunities.

5. Smart Energy Metres

Connected IoT metres allow energy usage more effectively, leading to lesser consumption and better performance. These smart IoT metres are similar to normal metres, except smart metres interact remotely with the utility as it records and sends information every 15 minutes.

During a power outage, the smart IoT metre notifies the user and immediately dispatches members to resolve issues and get back on track.

6. Net Zero Energy Buildings

Sounds impossible, doesn’t it? Well, that is the power of IoT. Nowadays, IoT is being put to use to help build concepts like zero net energy buildings. Renewable energy resources are the only contribution to energy consumption that can help build these buildings.

We use renewable sources like solar and wind to generate power and electricity in these buildings—models and ideas like this lead to less dependency on non-renewable resources.

7. Increasing Efficiency

IoT processes increase the productivity of power plants and manage waste generation by any industry. One fine example of this is fully automated boilers containing oxygen regulators that ensure the complete burning of fuel.

The above example leads to less emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon monoxide and methane. Another example is smart grids that reduce the severe impacts of energy consumption by factories and industries.

8. Management of Energy System

Energy management, by definition, is the process through which organisations ensure the energy flow is conservative, efficient, and less harmful to the environment. IoT is doing just that. It helps various companies in building solutions that conserve energy.

For any business, smart energy management systems monitor the energy sources of any business. A few contributions to optimised energy consumption are reduced energy bills, reduced carbon footprints, and increased energy efficiency.

9. Prevention of Disaster

IoT can devise solutions to reduce hazards and increase safety for both workers and power plants. In power plants, safety is of utmost importance. To maintain a safe and proper workplace, factories use safety devices like smoke detectors, pollution monitors, temperature regulators, and chemical detectors.

10. Automation

We know that IoT can handle automation very well. For example, we can pre-program a task to be triggered when specific parameters are met. One example of an automated process is machine sensors monitoring machine performance to ensure better product quality.

Such automated processes raise alerts and send signals before the occurrence of any incident. It increases on-site safety. Another example of an automated process is using sensors and webcams for monitoring and security purposes and reducing human intervention.

These are only a few scenarios and fields in which the energy sector can use IoT to manage energy resources better. However, there are countless more examples where IoT can be used to use energy resources more efficiently and effectively.


You have now learned many applications where the energy can use IoT to manage energy resources better. We have seen 10 fantastic examples: smart energy metres, smart energy systems, decision-making, zero-energy buildings, automated processes, and more.

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