Top Internet of Things Books

Even though we have discussed many topics regarding IoT on our website, there is no limit to learning. There are tons of resources and knowledge on the internet on the topic of IoT. However, if you are still hungry for more knowledge, the traditional learning method comes back – books.

In this article, I have put together ten perfect books to satisfy your hunger for IoT. There are thousands of books on IoT, but these are ten best-selling books on IoT. So read through the article and see which book meets your needs.

1. Internet of Things Programming Projects

As the name suggests, this book focuses more on programming than theory. Therefore, this book is better suited for IoT developers and Python builders as the topic covered by the author includes a section about Raspberry Pi and a guide to building IoT projects.

This book essentially focuses on building various IoT projects using Raspberry Pi and Python. Therefore, the book does not necessarily start from the basics of Python and Raspberry Pi but helps you build many unique Internet of Things projects.

2. Programming the Internet of Things

Unlike the previous book, this IoT book from O’Reilly Publications is perfect for beginners. When I say beginners, I don’t mean someone with limited knowledge of IoT but people at an intermediate level and new to the programming domain of IoT.

For those IoT enthusiasts who want to learn to program using various IoT development hardware and software, this book by Andy King is just perfect. It teaches you to make your own full-stack IoT solutions.

It is a hands-on guide and step-by-step guide for beginners to grasp the topic well. By the time you finish this book, you will learn various topics like setting up a development environment, tooling, solution design, implementation, and many more.

3. Everyware: The dawning age of ubiquitous computing

This book, written by Adam Greenfield, discusses the effects digital connection makes on human lives as it talks about the integration of IoT technology into every domain. This book prioritises theory over programming as the author explains various applications of IoT.

The book also talks about the present state of IoT and how it will change in the future. In addition, the book contains mind-boggling applications of IoT, like smart buildings, smart furniture, smart clothing, and even smart bathtubs.

This book is perfect for both newbies and experts, as there is something for everyone to learn. This book has received many wonderful reviews from many significant people in the industry.

4. Trillions

The authors offer insight into the future of IoT instead of focussing on the past or present of IoT. This remarkable book discusses the number of devices that will connect to the internet in the future.

The book also states several facts about how the number of devices is taking over the number of people in this world. Joe Balley and Mickey McManus also address IoT’s various challenges and limitations as they discuss privacy and security risks.

5. The second machine age

This best-selling book by Thomas L. Friedman looks at how digital technology is transforming our work and lives. Through this book, the authors reveal the forces driving the revamp of our lives and economy.

6. Precision

This book might just be your go-to IoT book. It is one of the most sought-after books as the author wrote “Precision: Principles, Practice, And Solutions For The Internet of Things”. It talks about the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) fundamentals.

In the first edition of this book, Dr Timothy Chou introduces a vendor-neutral, acronym-free framework, examines its fundamental principles, and puts these principles into exercise.

The book’s second edition puts Dr Chou’s IoT framework into practice. It highlights 14 real-world answers for factories building accurate machines and companies using these machines to receive precision-enhanced business developments.

7. Learning the Internet of Things

We all know that it is through internet protocols that IoT devices communicate with each other and constantly exchange data. To learn more about protocols, search no more. You have found your match.

This book explains numerous IoT protocols like MQTT, AMQP, HTTP, COAP, and XMPP. It also teaches you how to connect devices in the given architecture and its advantages and disadvantages.

When you think the book is ending, the final three chapters spice things up as they intensify the need for an integration architecture and platform, like the protocol gateway and realistic security measures to be executed in such a comprehensive and potentially risky environment.

Moreover, the author’s company offers a software product executing such an architecture and is used in the book as illustrations. This book is perfect for newcomers and people who want to learn more about IoT as it covers various theoretical topics like protocols, architecture, components, working, hardware, and many more interesting topics.

8. Getting started with the Internet of Things

This book is perfect for beginners who want to program embedded devices as it gives you hands-on experience using the .NET Micro Framework and Netduino Plus board. Through this remarkable book, Cuno Pfister teaches you to connect these devices using the Pachube. What is Pachube? Well, it is a cloud platform for sharing real-time cloud data.

9. The fourth Industrial revolution

This book is all about IIoT – the Industrial Internet of Things. IIoT. It uses IoT sensors and devices to enhance manufacturing and industrial processes. IIoT is sometimes referred to as “industry 4.0”, which is precisely the book’s name.

We saw that each industrial revolution deeply affects our world and has revolutionized today’s technology, sparking huge growth. The author of the book, who is also an economist, Klaus Schwab, asserts that we are in the fourth industrial revolution.

AI, IoT, and ML have significant effects in the fourth industrial revolution. He also examines the technologies in use and how they affect different parts of society like the government, businesses, and consumer lives.

10. The Internet of Things

This marvellous book tells the readers about how IoT works in the current society and the impact it creates in the world. This book by Samuel Greengard is the most suited book for newcomers to the field of IoT as the author discusses the beginning of the IoT era and how it transformed into the smart technology it is today.

Samuel Greengard says that IoT is still in its premature stages, and there is more to come as it can already be found everywhere, from banks to homes, and it has its own challenges and risks. The book also addresses the privacy and safety issues concerning IoT and how they might evolve in due time.

11. The Amazon way of IoT

If u need help planning and developing your IoT strategy, this is your go-to book. Through this book, John Rossman guides readers with practical insights and recommendations into the strategies and mindset transforming business and society.

He has laid out a blueprint not only for an enterprise wanting to understand how sensors embedded in their business can innovate old ways of working but also provide an excellent path for individuals wanting to start their own IoT business.

In a nutshell, The book “The Amazon Way on IoT ” is for business people who want to learn cases, key concepts, technologies, and tools to help develop, explain and execute their own IoT approach.

12. Building the Internet of Things

This amazing book puts forward front-line business decision-makers with a practical handbook for capitalizing on this latest transformation as the book focuses on the business implications of IoT. This book describes the sheer impact, spread, and opportunities arising every day, and how business leaders can implement IoT today to realize tangible business advantages.

The book dives deep into IoT from a business, strategy, and organizational standpoint and includes use cases that illustrate the ripple effect that this latest disruption brings. By the end, you will be enlightened on how to fashion a viable IoT plan that works with your organization’s strategy and direction and how to implement that strategy successfully by integrating IoT into your organization tomorrow.

13. IoT Hackers Handbook

This bizarrely named book takes a practitioner’s approach to analyze the IoT devices and the security issues facing an IoT architecture as it goes through the architecture’s central components, from hardware communication interfaces, such as UART and SPI, to radio protocols, such as BLE or ZigBee.


Once you have finished reading this book, you will have learned how to Perform a threat model of a real-world IoT device and locate all possible attacker entry points. Use reverse engineering of firmware binaries to identify security issues. You will also have knowledge of how to Analyze, assess, and identify security issues in exploited ARM and MIPS-based binaries.

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