Difference Between IoT and M2M

In this article, we shall learn about IoT and M2M and conclude by comparing them. We will start with fundamental topics to get the ball moving and then go deeper into the subject and compare them. Finally, we will go through various topics like what IoT and M2M are, their history, the workings of M2M, features, applications, disadvantages of M2M, and more.

We will conclude by comparing IoT and M2M in detail and then look at the requirements for M2M. So sit down, pay attention, grab a snack or coffee, take notes if you want, and read till the end of the article.

What is IoT?

Explaining IoT in a paragraph is not easy. Nonetheless, IoT is a collection of sensors, software, hardware, cloud, and other technologies that connect and share data. These technologies communicate over a protocol, which is mostly Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular. IoT is short for “Internet of Things”.

What is M2M?

M2M is the abbreviation for Machine-to-Machine. It provides point-to-point information exchanges without an internet connection and does not require manual human intervention. It makes sense when you realise that M2M was founded before the Internet of Things. Therefore, one could say that IoT improves the functionality of M2M.

A Brief History of M2M

Even though there is no verification for the origin of M2M, Theodore Paraskevakos often gets the credit as he is the inventor of the data transmission across telephone lines, which lays the ground for the modern-day technology of caller IDs.

Nokia was one of the early users of M2M. In 2003, M2M magazine was launched, a publication that explained the building blocks of M2M communication to be sensors, RFID, remote monitoring, smart service, and telemetry.

The Architecture of M2M

Just like the architecture of IoT, M2 M’s architecture is also pretty straightforward (if you want to know more about IoT architecture, you can read my article on it). In addition, like IoT, M2M enables machines to communicate with other machines and transmit small amounts of information.

IoT and M2M can connect devices to the internet and offer services to business organisations, consumers, and users. We follow the latest standards, such as ETSI, ANSI C12, etc., to develop and implement M2M architecture. The three main components of M2M architecture are:

1. M2M Application

As the name suggests, the M2M application offers applications to use M2M technology conveniently, like server and end-user applications.

2.M2M Network Domain

This part of the M2M architecture acts as a bridge between the M2M application domain and the M2M device domain. In addition, the M2M networks domain has two parts —the M2M core and M2M service capabilities.

3.M2M Device Domain

This domain is also called the M2M area network, and it contains all the devices that can connect to the M2M network. It also includes numerous devices that can connect directly over a network.

How Does M2M Work?

The working of M2M is very different from the working of IoT. M2M-enabled devices send data across a network by sensing information through public networks such as cellular and ethernet.

Automated computer software programs and other components of M2M, like RFID, sensors, and Wi-Fi, translate the incoming data to generate responses or actions.

One of the most famous forms of M2M communication is Telemetry that has been used since the last century to transmit data. During the early days, developers used telephone lines for communication. However, they soon moved to radio wave transmission signals to monitor the performance of the data gathered from remote locations.

The arrival of the internet enhanced the standards of wireless technology, and today, it is used in everyday real-life applications such as hospitals, cities, stations, roads, and so on.

Applications of M2M

Remote sensing is one of the most common applications of M2M technology. Remote sensing technology is used in so many places. One example is the healthcare sector.

The devices used in monitoring patients remotely can collect metrics like heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature from patients who are absent in a healthcare facility.

Upon collecting the patient’s data and forwarding it to a mobile application where healthcare professionals and/or patients can access it. Other examples of remote sensing include supply chain management and warehouse management systems.

Did you know? You are using Google Pay, Apple Pay, PhonePay, and more because of M2M. Most smart home systems also incorporate M2M communication, as it allows devices and home appliances to communicate with each other and send messages over a network.

Many companies and organisations depend on M2M machines as they consume less energy, Thus leading to their use in factories to detect pressure, temperature, and equipment status.

The Highlights of M2M

It is needless to say that M2M has numerous useful features. Nonetheless, let us take a glimpse at a few highlighted features of M2M:

1. M2M devices consume lower power as compared to other technologies.
2. M2M acts as a network operator.
3. It provides packet-switched services.
4. It can detect events with the help of its monitoring abilities.
5. M2M allows for a delay while transferring data.
6. It lets the user specify a time to send and receive data.
7. M2M continuously receives and sends minimal amounts of data.
8. M2M sends an alert call to awaken the other devices when the device centres on an unknown premise.

Disadvantages of M2M

Every good thing in this universe has disadvantages. As humans, it is our job to find errors, fix them, and discover better things. Just like IoT, security is the most significant disadvantage of M2M.

Since M2M devices work without the involvement of any human, The security risks such as hacking, information breaches, cybercrimes, unauthorised logins, etc., exponentially increase.

To improve the security aspect of M2M, they must incorporate features like remote management or firmware updates to heal from cyber attacks and illegal attempts to log in.


Now that we are familiar with M2M, let us compare it with IoT. Even though they both seem very similar, they are drastically different from each other.

Let us understand their differences by comparing them against various criteria, as shown in the table below:

1 Abbreviation Internet of Things Machine-to-Machine
2 Intelligence Devices are capable of making their own decisions M2M devices are intelligent only to a certain extent 
3 Connection used Network and other wireless communications M2M devices use point to point communication 
4 Protocols  TCP/IP protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and Telnet, etc Traditional and less secure communication protocols are used
5 Data Sharing  In IoT devices data is shared between applications  Data is shared only between allowed connections 
6 Internet IoT devices need internet  M2M devices don’t need internet
7 Scope Very bright scope Limited scope 
8 Scalability Scalable  Not scalable
9 Type of communication IoT supports cloud communication M2M supports point-to-point communication.
10 Computer system It involves the usage of both Hardware and Software. It usually involves hardware-based technology
11 API support IoT support API support  No support for Open APIs
12 Centric IoT is information and service-centric M2M is communication and device-centric
13 Approach IoT uses a horizontal enabler approach M2M uses a vertical system solution approach
14  Components used Devices/sensors, connectivity, data processing, user interface Device, area networks, gateway, an Application server
15 Examples Smart wearables, Big Data and Cloud, and more  Sensors, Data and Information, and more

Requirements for M2M

According to the European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI), M2M must have the following requirements:

1. Scalability– M2M must always communicate without errors, even though it connects more objects.
2. Anonymity– M2M must not disclose the names of the users and their information when a request is made.
3. Logging- M2M must record all the crucial activities. For example, the number of failed attempts during installation, defect information, non-functional services, and more.
4. M2M Application Communication Principles- M2M must ensure full support in the communication of devices on a network or through a gateway by using communication messages such as SMS.
5. Delivery Methods- M2M must fully support communication modes that range from unicast to multicast.
6. Message Transmission Scheduling- M2M must manage schedules of messages and should be able to manage the devices in the network.
7. Message Communication Path Selection- With an M2M system, it is possible to optimise the path of message communication.


As you have seen, M2M (Machine-to-Machine) provides point-to-point information exchanges without an internet connection and does not require manual human intervention.

You have now learned what M2M is, a brief history of it, the architecture of M2M, its working, applications, features, and disadvantages of M2M. We finally concluded by comparing IoT and M2M on various criteria and finished it by looking at the requirements of M2M according to ETSI.

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