IoT Security

In this article, we shall try and understand the concept of IoT security. First, we shall go through various topics like what IoT security is, why IoT security is needed, and the security spectrum. Then, we will look at some of the vulnerabilities and challenges IoT systems face and the various ways to protect your IoT devices.

We shall conclude by looking at some additional security methods and the industries most vulnerable to IoT attacks and breaches. So buckle up, grab a snack if you need to, take notes and read till the end of the article for the best benefits.

What is IoT Security?

We all know that the primary role of an IoT system is to collect and store data. Unfortunately, with so much valuable information in the cloud, IoT ecosystems are very vulnerable to security attacks and breaches. It is why we need better IoT architecture with higher security.

In short, the part of IoT that deals with the protection of the IoT system, servers, networks, and physical devices is known as IoT security. IoT security involves various tools, strategies, and methods that help users to safeguard their IoT ecosystems.

With the rise in the number of attacks and breaches in IoT ecosystems, numerous IoT developers are using various methods like PKI, end-to-end encryption, and API security to keep their IoT systems secure.

Why Do We Need IoT Security?

With the help of IoT security, we can prevent any attacks and vulnerabilities in any IoT system. Today, countless developers are using several technologies and methods to prevent these breaches.

One such example is where developers use isolation to prevent software attacks and tamper mitigation methods to avoid physical device attacks. The number one reason we need IoT security is to prevent valuable data from being compromised and falling into the wrong hands.

What is the Security Spectrum?

Security can be seen as an evolving spectrum as technologies evolve. For example, devices that stay up to date with the help of updates are less prone to attacks than older, poorly secured devices. IoT includes various technologies that protect IoT devices, physical networks, and networks.

The security of a system is mainly built on the user need of the device, as the user must understand the impact of a security breach and be able to recognise malware attacks at an early stage to avoid severe damage.

Challenges Faced by IoT Systems

IoT systems face numerous challenges and risks. Let us look at some of these challenges:

1. Unpredictable Conduct

We all know that there are many deployed IoT devices, which means that the behaviour of these devices in any sector can be unpredictable. Even though the devices and systems may have top-notch designs and structures, no one can predict their interaction with other systems.

2. Similar Devices

In today’s market, there are not that many IoT devices and most of them are similar. They use the same design, connection, network protocol, and more. Hence if one device is under a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, it affects the remaining devices also.

3. Difficulty in Deployment

Deploying IoT devices into the field is a complex task as too many devices with internet connections exist. In addition, IoT advances to areas and networks where it was not possible to enter before and produces data every second, which creates difficulties in deployment.

4. No Upgradation Support

Most of the IoT devices out there cannot be upgraded or modified. Most of the time, these upgrades are difficult to employ or are ignored by the users. However, as we discussed earlier, IoT devices must be up to date with the latest technology to avoid security breaches.

5. Long Device Life

IoT devices are well known for their long life, but this also means that IoT devices’ work extends beyond their support and warranty periods. Once IoT devices have no warranty, they lack security and are open sights for cybercriminals.

6. No alerts

Unlike computers and smartphones, IoT devices have no alert system to warn users about malware. Hackers use this disadvantage to enter the IoT device’s network and obtain personal information. It is why various IoT companies are improving the safety of their devices.

7. Poor Transparency

IoT devices have restricted functionality, meaning they have no direct access to the inner working of IoT devices. Therefore, users can only assume that their devices are working as access to the inner components is impossible and cannot control the flow of data and information collection leading to obtaining unnecessary information by the device.

8. Complex Environments

Most IoT devices are present in complex networks and environments. With the rise in the number of IoT devices, this issue has only worsened. They become less secure and challenging to manage and monitor.

9. Dominance of Remote Work Arrangements

IoT devices and users working in remote work arrangement companies are more vulnerable to attacks. Why? Because the users use home networks that may be less secure than enterprise networks.

10. 5G

We all know that 5G is an excellent protocol for IoT devices to communicate with each other. Still, since it is a recent technology, most of 5 G’s technology and features are yet to be discovered. Nevertheless, many users and companies expect that 5G may offer more safety and better connectivity.

Threats and Risks

Now that you know what the various challenges and drawbacks of IoT devices are, let us take a look at the various forms of risk or threats that IoT can face. These threats and risks are the various ways cybercriminals can breach or pose security threats to an IoT system.

1. Malware

Malware is the most used method by cyber criminals to attack IoT systems. Additionally, hackers use IoT botnet malware, the most popular variant, to gain access to private IoT ecosystems.

2. Cybersecurity Escalation

We saw that because most IoT devices are similar, DDoS attacks often use infected devices, and one hacked device in the system can provide access to other web servers and networks. Due to complex environments, this issue worsens as it is challenging to recognise the entry point to stop further loss.

3. Device Mismanagement

As users, due to our negligence, we give room for cybercriminals to breach. We do that by giving IoT systems poor passwords, neglecting or procrastinating updates, not configuring the device properly, and many other reasons contributing to IoT security attacks.

4. Information Theft

When you combine two excellent yet vulnerable features of IoT: (1) – IoT devices connect to the internet online, and (2) – IoT devices gather and store information in the cloud, there is a chance of leaking private and sensitive information. Cybercriminals take these two features as an advantage to obtain such data and even expose them.

5. Vulnerabilities

Unsafe or unguarded devices are open to numerous threats by hackers and cybercriminals as they do not have the computational capacity to offer security. As a result, it leads to unsafe IoT systems that are constantly under threat.

Preventive Methods

We have seen the various ways cybersecurity can attack IoT devices and the disadvantages of IoT devices for low security. Now, let’s look at how to stop or reduce the number of cyberattacks on IoT systems.

1. End-to-End Encryption

In an IoT ecosystem, data transfers happen when one device communicates with another using a protocol. To ensure that the communication is safe, we can use end-to-end encryption.

2. Selecting a Cybersecurity Provider

Another preventive method is to select an excellent antivirus or expert cybersecurity provider to protect your IoT system against threats and vulnerabilities.

3. Checking Mobile Devices

As users, we must ensure that there are locks and passwords on mobile phones and tablets, as anyone can easily access information from a missing electronic device. But on the bright side, it is harder to access a locked device, and trackers can track and provide the exact location of a stolen electronic device.

4. NAC

NAC is the abbreviation of Network Access Control. It recognises all the devices in a certain network and helps monitor and track devices easily.

5. Segmentation

Each IoT device’s network can be segmented so that it connects to the internet, and we can limit access to the business network. However, one must still monitor the network for unidentified access.

6. Consumer Education

Since IoT is a relatively new technology, consumers and users have limited knowledge about its working and features. Thus if the users are more aware of their IoT purchases, we can ensure more safety and reduce the number of cyberattacks.

7. Integrating Terms

Software developers and security analysts must work in the same environments as a team to ensure better production.

8. Training

As we discussed, IoT is a recent technology. Therefore, IoT staff must be introduced and trained to specific security terms as they may not be well versed in the functionality.

9. Patch Management

It is crucial to update IoT devices regularly to keep them up to date by using either network or automation. It is open to many vulnerabilities if we don’t update devices to their latest version.

10. Security Gateways

This method of preventing cyberattacks on IoT devices offers more power to the system by acting as an intermediate between IoT devices and the network itself. In addition, various tactics like firewalls ensure that hackers do not hack IoT devices.

What Are The Industries That Are More Prone To IoT Cyber Attacks?

The truth is that if you don’t follow the preventive methods mentioned above, any industry will be at risk of security threats. Cybercriminals can attack any domain, be it CIoT (Consumer Internet of Things), IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) or IoMT (Internet of Medical Things).

Cybercriminals have no bounds; they can create attacks and breaches on any IoT system. For example, they may disable a connected car’s brakes, hack an insulin pump to give too much medication to a patient, hack IoT cameras to spy on you, and so much more.

So, the best we can do to avoid such security breaches is to take preventive measures and hope for the best, as millions of companies are tirelessly working to improve the security aspect of IoT systems.

Vulnerabilities of IoT

Before we conclude, let us look at some of the vulnerabilities and security issues of IoT

1. Unpatched vulnerabilities

Connectivity issues or the necessity for end-users to manually download updates directly from the command and control centre that are responsible for software maintenance, configurations, firmware updates to patch bugs and vulnerabilities, etc

2. Weak Authentication

Most manufacturers provide IoT devices containing easily decipherable passwords, which might be left in place by vendors and end-users. Thereby, when these devices are left open to remote access, these devices become easy prey for attackers running automated scripts for bulk exploitation.

3. Vulnerable APIs

APIs are commonly targeted by a wide range of threats as a gateway for command and control centers. Some examples of these threats are Man in the Middle (MITM), code injections, and distributed denial of service.


As you have seen, IoT security is part of IoT that deals with protecting the IoT system, servers, networks, and physical devices. You have now learned what IoT security is, why it is needed, the security spectrum, its challenges, the various forms cybercriminals can attack IoT systems, and 10 tested and proven preventive methods to stop security breaches. We finally concluded by discussing the industries vulnerable to IoT attacks and breaches.

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