IoT Messaging Protocols – Communication Made Smarter

In this article, we will be going over IoT protocols mainly used for messaging purposes. First, we will try to understand IoT messaging protocols and why they are essential. Then, after laying down the fundamentals, we will look into 6 examples of IoT protocols used extensively for messaging purposes. So pay attention, take notes, and read till the end for the best benefits!

What are IoT messaging protocols?

I have already covered IoT protocols in depth in another article. Therefore we shall solely be focusing on messaging protocols in this article. Nonetheless, a quick recap won’t hurt.

So protocols are technically the basic elements of an IoT environment that enables the communication of IoT devices with each other over a network. Numerous protocols have been customized and designed for specific needs. They let data move from endpoint devices through the IoT pipeline to central servers.

But what are IoT messaging protocols? The session layer in the IoT architecture manages the connection between two network endpoints by controlling data between the sender and receiver. It is where session layer protocols are responsible for the actual transmission of data in an IoT ecosystem. It is precisely why Session Layer protocols are called IoT Messaging Protocols or IoT Data Protocols.

Most IoT applications use TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) or UDP (User Datagram Protocol) for transport. Also, these messaging protocols can operate over TCP or UDP.

There are many IoT messaging protocols, but you must know what to choose according to the situation and criteria you want. Let us look at 6 fantastic examples of the most used messaging protocols.


MQTT stands for “Message Queuing Telemetry Transport.” This internet protocol uses an architecture called publish-subscribe to enable machine-to-machine communication. MQTT’s protocol works even with limited devices and facilitates communication between multiple devices.

These abilities of MQTT make it preferred for connecting devices with a small code footprint. However, this internet protocol also connects wireless networks with varying latency levels from bandwidth constraints or unreliable connections.


1. Fast and easy implementation.
2. OASIS technical community standardized MQTT.
4. Best-in-class quality of services with the given functionality.
3. Best suited for constrained networks due to its lightweight package.


1. No encryption available.
2. Since it is TCP based, it consumes a lot of power.


AMQP is the acronym for Advanced Message Queuing Protocol. It is an open internet protocol used for more message-oriented middleware. Therefore, it allows messaging interoperability (the ability to exchange and use information) between systems, irregardless of the message brokers or platforms being used.

The AMQP internet protocol offers security and interoperability. It is also reliable at a distance or over poor networks. In addition, this internet protocol supports communications even when the systems aren’t simultaneously available.


1. Uses TCP and UDP to transfer messages.
2. Provides end-to-end encryption.


1. Uses large amounts of memory and power.


CoAP is short for “Constrained Application Protocol.” This internet protocol was designed to work with HTTP-based IoT systems. CoAP depends on UDP (User Datagram Protocol).

Using UDP CoAP establishes secure communications and enables data transmission between multiple points. CoAP is often used for machine-to-machine applications as it allows constrained devices to join an IoT environment, even with low bandwidth.


1. For security, it uses DLTS.
2. Small packet sizes.
3. Fast device communication.


1. Unreliable
2. No broadcasting option as it is a one-to-one protocol.


DDS is the acronym for “Data Distribution Service.” The Object Management Group developed it for real-time systems. They describe this internet protocol as “a middleware protocol and API standard for data-centric connectivity.”

Just like the protocol CoAP, DDS is also used for machine-to-machine devices. Why? Because It enables high-performance and highly scalable real-time data exchange using a publish-subscribe pattern.


1. Simple architecture that supports “auto-discovery.”
2. DDS is both effective and scalable.
3. It used transport bandwidth.
4. Dedicated data delivery.


1. Interface is not possible with web pages.
2. DDS consumes nearly double the bandwidth as compared to MQTT.
3. DDS’s heavyweight protocol makes it difficult to use in embedded systems.


The XMPP internet protocol dates back to the early 2000s. Then, it was the true O.G.! It was once the best protocol because the open-source Jabber community first designed XMPP’s Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol for human-to-human communication in real-time.

Due to its one-of-a-kind irresistible features, it is still being used today for machine-to-machine communication in lightweight middleware and for routing XML data. One of the best things about XMPP is that it is open-source.


1. Open standard.
2. Extensible design.
3. Uses labeling scheme to locate devices.


1. End-to-end encryption is not possible.
2. No quality of service.


SMQTT stands for “Secure Message Queue Telemetry Transport.” It is an extension of the MQTT protocol. SMQTT provides a secure messaging standard as it is based on an encryption messaging mechanism.

The working of it is pretty simple – a user sends encrypted messages to all nodes, and nodes receive the encrypted messages and use them after decryption. The master key carries out these encryption and decryption activities.

These are some frequently used messaging protocols. However, many others are suitable for many other use case scenarios. There is more than one protocol for every need. All you have to do is choose!


As you have seen, IoT communication protocols are session layer protocols that help manage the connection between two network endpoints by controlling data between sender and receiver.

You have now learned the meaning of IoT communication protocol and why it is needed. We have also gone through 6 fantastic messaging protocols by looking at their advantages and disadvantages.

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