Consumer IoT – Efficiency, Connectivity, and Bliss

In this article, we will go over consumer IoT in detail. We shall look into various topics like what CIoT is, the difference between IoT, CIoT, and IIoT, How CIoT works, and the benefits of IIoT. Finally, we will conclude by going over a few CIoT examples and vendors. So buckle up, take notes, and read till the end of the article for the best benefits!

What is CIoT?

CIoT is short for “Consumer Internet of Things”. CIoT is essentially IoT sensors, hardware, and software used for consumer-oriented purposes that make consumers’ lives easier and simpler.

CIoT is an application of IoT where a consumer personally uses an interconnected system of physical and digital objects. These interconnected smart devices are given unique identifiers (UIDs) to recognise and access them for various purposes.

CIoT covers all the user’s networks around their personal and home devices. These devices are equipped with various wireless technologies and microcontrollers that make it simpler to share consumer data without any individual’s direct intervention with each other or the computer.

These devices use edge computing technologies and are also integrated with standards and protocols that offer security performance and reliability. As a result, it saves power and improves scalability by crunching data instantaneously.

How does CIoT work?

CIoT works very similarly to regular IoT. Various sensors collect information, and this data needs to be sent to the cloud for processing. But for the sensors to communicate or send data to the cloud, they need a protocol, AKA connectivity. It is also this connection that lets the other devices communicate with each other and work coherently.

Once we have the connection, the sensors send the analysing data to the cloud for processing this data into digital form. Why a digital form? The data needs to be converted to digital form so that machines can understand and perform tasks based on it.

The final stage or component of the working of IoT is the UI, where the user gets to control set automation or schedules, where a pre-programmed task is triggered when all the parameters are met. This UI is mainly an app. However, UI can also be used to show the user hard number in the form of charts.

If you want to know more or get an even more detailed understanding of how IoT works, you can read my article on the working of IoT, where I have explained all four components that make up an IoT ecosystem in detail.

What are CIoT devices?

CIoT devices are being integrated into our daily routine as consumers benefit from IoT systems in many ways. These devices are increasing efficiency and ease of use with fast-growing computing capabilities.

CIoT optimises data and also enables machine-to-machine communications as these devices use edge computing technologies. These devices have built-in sensors, Bluetooth, RFID, NFC, GPS, and an internet connection.

The employed IoT devices cover the interconnected mechanical and digital systems and can collect and share data with the help of sensors. We also have IoT systems or software that help you manage all of your consumer IoT apps and devices.

Types of CIoT

Consumer IoT is classified into two types, they are:

1. Personal IoT:

IoT devices used for personal use, such as watches and phones, come under the personal category of consumer IoT. These devices include smart watches, wearables, smartphones, etc. Let us look at some more examples:

a. Smart Watch: Apple Watch, Fitbit.
b. Battery power: Donor Cable bracelets by NAR Mobile.
c. Hearable: AirPods, Google Pixel Buds.
d. Smar galssest: Dropcam from Google, Vuzix Smart Glasses.
e. Smart clothing: Ralph Lauren smart t-shirt, Arrow Smart Shirt

2. Smart Home IoT

It includes home appliances operating under an IoT ecosystem. The devices in a smart home have access to the internet, sense the environment around them and retrieve data from devices simultaneously. Some examples of smart home IoT include:

a. Voice Assistance: Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, Bixby, Cortana.
b. Lighting fixtures: Philips Hue Smart Bulbs, LIFX, L8 SmartLight
c. Family Entertainment: Keepon social robot, Kuri home robot.
d. Security: Nortek Security, Bitdefender BOX, ring doorbell.
e. Smart Energy Savings: Ambi Climate, Neurio, iDevices Switch
f. Smart Kitchen Gadgets: iGrill Smart Grill, Samsung Family Hub.

The Future of CIoT

Millions of companies are trying to develop new ideas and devices with the growing demand for IoT devices in the consumer sector. There is so much demand for CIoT that the market is estimated to reach USD 153.80 Billion by 2026.

According to multiple reports, home automation devices with smart energy management and security applications will hold the largest share of the consumer IoT market by 2023.

It is why multiple companies pair IoT with various other technologies like big data, machine learning, 5G, deep learning cloud, and edge computing. In short, the ongoing competition is fierce.

Customer trends inspire the trends of CIoT as the consumer sets an example with every step because of its extensive usage and capabilities. As a result, the CIoT market is widely popular in the following domains.

a. Asset tracking
b. Games and Entertainment
c. Health monitoring
d. Home security
e. Parental tracking
f. Quick Panic Buttons

Since we are on the topic of domains and applications of CIoT, we might as well look into it.

Applications of CIoT

As discussed, there are several applications of consumer IoT. I have already written another article solely for the applications of CIoT, in which I have explained ten fascinating examples of CIoT. Nonetheless, let us look at some examples of CIoT in brief:

1. Smart Homes

Smart home IoT is a very important application of CIoT! When you set up a proper ecosystem such that the devices are interconnected and communicate with each other, you can create amazing wonders and mind-boggling routines with your smart home ecosystem.

2. Asset tracking

Every day thousands of electronic gadgets like phones, computers and tablets are being either lost or stolen. Using IoT, we can reduce this; we can enable GPS trackers and track visa lost or stolen gadgets.

The same applies to pets and personal belongings. One fine example of this is Apple’s airbags. These trackers, when combined with an App on our smartphone, can track down whatever is lost or stolen. We can track these objects with LPWAN technologies such as LoRa, NBC, SigFox, and so on.

3. Entertainment

With the rise of VR games, web 3.0, and metaverse, IoT devices in the market for augmented reality are no less. The idea behind these IoT devices is that users can wear a device enabling them to interact with software connected to the IoT and create virtual experiences in the real world.

4. Wearable IoT devices

We saw that wearable devices are mostly used in the healthcare industry. However, they are also becoming famous for uses other than smartwatches or simply health trackers. These wearable IoT devices are being used to defend workers in factories, and this means they are also used within the commercial net of factors.

The demand for these wearable technologies is increasing day by day. Some examples of such devices include smart watches, Bluetooth key trackers, Smart belts, GPRS body control, smart earphones, smart finger devices, and so many more.

5. Caregiving

With the intense schedules and deadlines, adults of today are living very busy lives. Due to this, they find it hard to check up on the condition of their loved ones. This is not due to laziness or some other stupid reason, and there is simply a lot to keep up with in this generation as compared to the older generations.

However, thanks to IoT, there are sensors and cameras that monitor and record the movements of babies and elderly family members. A smartphone application raises an alert in case of unidentified or abnormal activity.

Difference between IoT and CIoT

I did not address this in the beginning because IoT and CIoT are very similar to each other, as they have many technologies in common, like cloud platforms, sensors, connectivity, machine-to-machine communications, data analytics, and so more. In fact, CIoT is an application of IoT.

The only difference is their purpose. If we consider IoT, it is used in various other applications like CIoT (consumer Internet of Things), IoMT (Internet of Medical Things), agriculture, transportation, and so many more countless examples.

CIoT, on the other hand, is wholly oriented for consumers, as it is used to better or simplify their lives. In short, CIoT provides convenience and a better lifestyle for individuals.

What is the difference between CIoT and IIoT?

Now, this is a worthy question! IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and CIoT (Consumer Internet Of Things)are both applications of IoT. Again the technology they share is very similar to regular IoT. The only difference between them is the domain and use case scenarios they are used in. As we discussed above, CIoT is inclined toward consumer lifestyle.

But IIoT, on the other hand, is used solely in the industrial sector, connecting machines and devices in such industries as oil and gas, utilities, and manufacturing. Moreover, IIoT primarily focuses on improving efficiency and health or safety, in contrast to the user-centric nature of IoT applications.


As you have seen, CIoT is simply an application of IoT that is consumer-oriented and makes the lives of consumers easier and simpler. You have now learned what CIoT is, how it works, CIoT devices, its types, applications of CIoT, and the future and market of IoT. We finally concluded by discussing the difference between IoT, CIoT, and IIoT.

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