Benefits Of IoT Salesforce

Since we already covered IoT Salesforce in another article in detail, In this article, we shall go over the various benefits of Salesforce. In the other article on salesforce, I discussed various topics like what it is, its components, working, and implementation algorithm. Therefore, we shall dedicate this article solely to the advantages, capabilities, and benefits of the Salesforce IoT cloud.

What is Salesforce IoT cloud?

Even though we discussed salesforce in detail in the other article, a brief recap won’t hurt, will it?

Salesforce is primarily a business application that gives services to end-users or business users. It aims to improve services with the help of big data obtained from connected devices. Salesforce has the capability to talk directly to the connected devices and start context-based alerts and actions.

Salesforce IoT cloud basically acts like the “cloud”. It stores and processes the IoT data and is backed by a Thunder engine. This engine gathers data from devices, websites, applications, etc. Salesforce IoT cloud can improve customer experience, customer satisfaction, and customer service at an exponential rate.

Benefits of Salesforce IoT cloud

Salesforce has numerous benefits. For now, let us look at 15 fascinating examples of why you should choose Salesforce IoT cloud for your business.

1. Advanced Analytics through Salesforce Einstein Analytics

Salesforce uses a cloud-based analytics platform called Einstein Analytics cloud. It gathers and processes data from various sources like sensors, portals, CRM, ERP, and other hardware components.

Einstein analytics analyses data easily and helps users to understand how consumers use services and what can be improved to attract more customers and boost services.

2. Enhance Sales Operation

Salesforce IoT cloud provides various customisations for salespeople. For example, they can use the Einstein activity capture function to view a personalised overview of sales information, monitor emails, contacts, and conferences, and optimise sales.

3. Improving Customer Experience

Salesforce includes a feature that allows salespeople to quickly link different platforms accessible from any computer to resolve issues. For example, assigning jobs to experts, directing questions to the appropriate agent, and many other functions can be automated.

4. Low Code Approach

Thanks to the low code approach, people can carry out IoT procedures without going to the IT department. Orchestration rules can be built up in the same way as a customer journey feature of the Salesforce market cloud as it puts event triggers. You can now sit back and watch as IoT automates most of your company’s operations.

5. Customer Context

In the Salesforce IoT cloud, customer context is an in-depth vision feature that evaluates and records previous actions and activities to make real-time decisions.

This feature considers client history, service history, and client location from various IoT devices to give you a holistic picture of what is happening.

6. Higher Visibility

Implementing it is the ultimate consideration in choosing the Salesforce IoT cloud. For example, businesses would get a fabulous bird’s eye view of the process. All of this is possible with a “traffic view.”

Traffic view is a visual representation of an enterprise ROI (Return on Investment) in numerous other terms, as the visual dashboard allows businesses to see how IoT devices are performing and improving consumer experiences.

7. Improves Experiences of Customers

Customers’ historical interactions and actions are stored and analyzed on the Salesforce IoT cloud service. In addition, it considers the customers’ locations, service backgrounds, and other IoT devices to give companies a bird’s eye view of the customer’s behaviour. As a result, companies will become more proactive regarding previously unexpected problems in the long run.

8. Enhance R&D Activities

A company can help predict consumer tastes and understand what is effective and what is not operating in virtual environments. With these features, businesses can easily upgrade to suit consumer needs by tracking how they use the products.

Based on these analyses, companies can make decisions and fix problems, which results in improved service delivery. In addition, by using IoT devices, the marketing and advertising divisions can also gain invaluable information.

9. Improve Client Referrals

Even though clients can openly connect with companies, they also want family and friends to interact with a straightforward company. It can be done with the Salesforce IoT cloud, as your company will be accessible to your customers at all times, thus enabling a strong customer relationship.

10. Easy to Integrate with Other Systems (Scalability)

The Salesforce IoT cloud service can expand its functionalities by allowing integration with third-party systems like Salesforce services. In doing so, you can explore other aspects of business development as you will gain access to an extensive range of data from numerous sources.

11. Improve Lead Generation Process

The sales department can identify each product linked to the Salesforce IoT cloud service as to which items are expired, approaching warranty, have had upgrades, etc. Companies can use this valuable data in several ways to enhance sales processes. Therefore, the salesforce service can significantly improve customer engagement through a fully automated operation.

12. Automated Tasks

Completing a sale is a complex process requiring a lot of time and effort. Various jobs must be performed to complete a larger operation. For example, tasks like data entry, form delivery, documents, and other time-consuming tasks are part of the job.

However, the Salesforce IoT cloud service was designed to address issues like these, as several tasks that can’t be simplified can be streamlined and automated to improve efficiency and customer experience.

13. Provides Detailed Reports and Analytics

Salesforce includes several data visualisation tools to understand and get a better picture of how the company is performing. With these tools, you can monitor the company’s progress in various sectors like advertising campaigns, sales, R&D, and other relevant indicators.

14. Increases Efficiency

Salesforce can increase employees’ productivity as it provides resources to handle leads and strengthen discrepancies between departments. In addition, Salesforce simplifies tasks and important repetitive tasks to boost the company’s efficiency, workflow, and productivity.

15. Simple to Use

After reading all of these benefits, you may think that Salesforce is a complicated platform you need to break your head to understand. But it is quite the opposite – Salesforce offers a user-friendly and simple-to-use GUI.

The numerous tabs for connections, leads, and assignments, are shown next to each other for easy access. Even the sales funnel configuration panel is self-explanatory.

These 15 features are only a few of what Salesforce has to offer. Before concluding, let us look at some advantages of using the Salesforce IoT cloud service in a business.

  1. It can boost sales.
  2. Establishes IoT interaction guidelines.
  3. Improve consumer satisfaction and customer service.
  4. Get a bird’s eye view of customer details.
  5. Reduce the amount of time it takes to resolve problems.
  6. Build better consumer profiles.
  7. Predict and diagnose problems.
  8. Increase efficiency by automating processes.
  9. Improve the company’s workflow and productivity.
  10. Enhance customer loyalty.
  11. Generate event triggers in response to activities.
  12. Create your own outputs for your devices
  13. Modify device functionality according to your preference.
  14. Review your commercial business model with real-time judgment.


By reading this article, you have learned many advantages and benefits of the Salesforce IoT cloud service. In this article, we have looked at 15 benefits in detail: enhancing sales operations, improving client referral, providing detailed reports, scalability, improving customer experience, enhancing R&D activities, automating tasks, performing advanced analytics, and more.

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